Our last Away event of the year is CC of RB, September 30, a customary Monday. It’s a 9:00 shotgun.
Payment by September 15 gets you in for $95 which includes Green Fee, Cart, Range Balls, Flight and CTP competitions. $5 additional would get you in a Net Skins competition. After that the door to sign up will get you to the Waitlist, openings permitted.
We're only at 25 signed up and we've guaranteed 50. I'm getting nervous...please sign up soon.
Guests are welcome for $70 (net of the flight competition and excluding Net Skins competition), though they can pay an additional $5 for the CTP competition.
8 am shotgun
LET ME CLARIFY PAYMENTS DUE: Some have merely sent the Green Fee portion as they haven't read the rest of the information.
First 80 PAID MEMBER signees will pay $75 (+$5 for Optional Net Skins = $80)for the green fees (including range balls, carts, and lunch), and flight and CTP competitions. (Guests: $55 + $5 for CTP.)
After the first 80, the cost is $80 + optional $5 for the Net Skins. (Guests: $60 + optinal $5 for CTP.)
Anyone unpaid by 5/3 will go on a Wait List.
Fairbanks Ranch CC: Clarifications
Monday 2/25
9 AM
First Flight plays from the White Tees.
Balance of Men to play from the Gold Tees.
Women to play from the Green Tees unless you have a handicap under 10 and prefer to play Golds.
Valley course will be played as first 9 holes on your scorecard; the Lake course as holes 10-18 on your scorecard
There are A and B pairings on the par 4’s and 5’s.
Find your cart and feel free to change cart partners FROM WITHIN YOUR PAIRING GROUP.
Do not exchange someone from a different pairing group into your group.
I will post the scores for those who have given me ghin numbers.
I will be taking the scorecards home to tally the results, which will be posted and reported within a day.
Arrangements will be made to pay those who win $$$.
I'm sure I omitted SOMETHING but we'll deal with it later it it's really a problem.