Current Handicap Index will be used for this event.
This event will be played from the White tees (69.2/120)
NOTE - Some players may be designated to play from the red tees
FRIDAY 5/8 Update:
Several Items Of Significance:
Carts (first to all ADA, then 55 and over and now all golfers) have been authorized by the County BUT THE COURSE DOES NOT CURRENTLY HAVE FULL STAFF TO MAKE CARTS AVAILABLE TO ALL PLAYERS. This could change but it is not likely to before Wednesday's event.
So, IF YOU ARE ABLE TO WALK, please do so.
You may want to bring a bottle of hand sanitizer.
If you are to be walking a likely to need a hand-cart, the coiurse only has 13 hand carts available so plan to bring your own.
Once you start putting, putt out.
We are going to be playing from the traps: You may lift and smooth the sand with your foot, then replace the ball within proximate distance to where it landed.
At least for this event, the maximum score you are to take on a hole is to be a Double Bogey plus the stroke(s) you get on the hole, currently known as NET DOUBLE BOGEY. When that is the best you'll do, pick up and move on; we do not want to have slow play: that will result in a suspension for a yet-to-be-determined period of time..
Pick up 2 scorecards per group, match them at the end of the round and take a picture of it and send 1 via to me at WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF COMPLETING YOUR ROUND
Last Updated: May 12, 2020, 10:55:23 PM by Peter Berk